Finding us on the web, ex-Hullbridge resident Evelyne J. Swinscoe-Byer, who remembers URYC from 20 plus years ago, has been in touch. Evelyne is now the Office Manager of The San Francisco Yacht Club, and has kindly sent to the club 3 editions of her club magazine (SFYC Bulletin) and a club burgee.
By way of thanks we’ll fly the SFYC burgee for the duration of the summer cruise.
SFYC members take photos of themselves with their club burgee all over the world. But I bet they haven’t been to the Orwell or Walton Backwaters!. So we’ll ensure our URYC summer cruise contingent pose with the SFYC burgee, who knows we might appear in their rather splendid club magazine.
For anyone interested, I will leave their three magazines in our club entrance. You will be surprised how similar our club activities are. Their club ethos is not so different from ours, its just MUCH MUCH bigger and they do everything we do x10.
And just in case you wondered, their membership joining fee is (sharp intake of breath) $15,000, which is a tad more than URYC and what’s more, they have no mud. What would we do without it….?
After the cruise the SFYC burgee will be in the clubhouse.