Why learn to sail?
Because sailing is fun as well as an excellent way of building confidence, team building skills and getting involved in a fantastic sport.
Sail at Up River Yacht Club
The club promotes a lively Cadet group welcome to young people up to the age of 15. Sailing together is a great way to pick-up the new skills. Principally organised around fun sails (see below), ”Learn to Sail” is fun and relaxed. To READ MORE please click this link to Learn to Sail.
Fun Sails
Cadets are welcome to come along to the informal ‘Fun Sail’ sessions. These are a great way to have fun, build confidence and enjoy the freedom of independence afloat. Club dinghies, buoyancy aids and safety boat cover are provided. Some Cadets sail their own dinghies while others choose to crew. ‘Fun Sails’ are advertised throughout the summer and take place on weekend dates as well as mid-week evenings to. READ MORE please click this link to Programme of Events.
Family Fun Weekend
This is one of the Up River Yacht Club headline events. It is another great opportunity to have fun with your mates both on and off the water. It’s also an opportunity for Mums and Dads to enjoy quality time with their children. Cadets have the opportunity of experiencing the novelty of camping in the club grounds.
Note to parents: a family tent or caravan not provided by the club. However, if you don’t own a tent, there’s usually a club member or friend outside the club who might help out.
Race Experience
Cadets are also encouraged to experience the excitement of dinghy racing. Race as crew for an experienced club member and enjoy the thrill of race starts, the buzz of close quarters sailing and the smiles when crossing the finishing line! Arrangements are straight forward because the club’s dinghy racing programme takes place on the same dates as the ‘Fun Sails’. To READ MORE please click this link to Programme of Events.
Please click the button below if you are interested in becoming a cadet member of Up River Yacht Club.
[su_button url=”https://upriver.org.uk/new-membership-enquiry/” target=”blank” background=”#2d68ef” size=”5″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: chevron-circle-right”]Interested? Let us know [/su_button]
To join the club under 18’s must ask their parents/guardian to make an enquiry on their behalf.