Environmental Policy


Up River Yacht Club seeks to move toward net zero emissions. Whilst sailing, particularly dinghy sailing and racing, is one of the least damaging sports in terms of the environment, currently Up River Yacht Club still has some dependency upon fossil fuels. For example:

  • Fuel for our safety boats
  • Members use fossil fuelled powered vehicles to attend the club or take dinghies to open meetings around the country.
  • Sailing cruisers have auxiliary engines, each may use 50 – 100 litres of diesel fuel per annum.
  • Some members use outboard motors to shuttle to and from their sailing boats.
  • The club house is currently reliant upon gas water heating and central heating when it is open during winter months.
  • Moving boats within the yacht club grounds are reliant upon diesel powered tractors. Albeit these are only used for perhaps 50 hours per annum.

Progress toward greater efficiency has been made by the club and members alike by investing in:

  • More efficient, modern, four stroke outboard motor on our primary safety boat
  • Members generally changing their vehicles for more efficient models
  • More members using electric outboards rather than petrol to shuttle to and from their cruisers on club moorings.
  • Since 2019, the Club has electric winches for launching and recovering cruisers and safety boats to the top of the slipway rather than using diesel tractors.
  • The club house itself has better insultation through erecting a large unheated conservatory and replacing the boiler with a modern condensing boiler. Plus, for the last few years, imnstallation of a new sheet profile clad roof that is filled with insulation.
  • The club has a strong recycling ethos and disposes of waste responsibly through authorised recycling and waste disposal providers
  • All buildings in recent years have been erected from 100 percent recyclable steel and our new race box from 100 percent biodegradable materials
  • Our electricity is from renewable resources.

To meet our goal for net zero emissions Up River Yacht Club is reliant upon better technology becoming available. In the meantime we will make positive and ethical choices wherever possible regarding purchasing and the selection of suppliers.

The club will retain its sailing focus and continue to decline applications for new memberships from motor boat owners.

Set realistic objectives and targets for environmental performance and monitor and review our environmental performance annually to demonstrate our commitment to continual improvement.

Manage the impact of events and activities we organise

Ensure effective working practices are in place to reduce the risk of pollution and control risks from environmental hazards during events organised by Up River Yacht Club