The next phase of the tender park project is planned to go ahead on 9 July. Ground works are being undertaken to clear away/cut down the tree stumps then grade the ground along our boundary with Tower Mobile Homes site. Before this work starts, owners of the few remaining tenders in spaces along the boundary are kindly requested to move their tenders into the lower field. If you have a tender you want to put in Row D please come along to help clear the debris removed by the contractor, reposition the rubber matting and to tidy up the area prior to returning your tenders to their spaces.
We want to achieve:
- A significant improvement in the available space for larger tenders – 22 spaces will be available with 1.9 m width.
- Improved safety to avoid members potentially tripping or falling on areas of very uneven ground.
- Easier access for maintenance and our ability to use a mower to keep the grass/weeds down.
Check out the picture below, please see the area between the two arrows. As you will see, this ground work will also extend into the lower field to enable us to use a mower rather than risk damage from numerous tree and hedge stumps that are growing in that area.
This should slightly increase the area available for winter layup, However the main intention is ease of maintenance. Furthermore, though undecided at this time, this will also offer the potential for larger sailing dinghies to use the boundary area in the lower field for ‘parking’ during summer months if space is an issue for them in the sailing dinghy park.
Of course, there is ‘no gain without pain’! The commencement date has been confirmed by our friendly contractor, the work is expected to take one and a half days starting Sunday 9 July. In advance of this, all of the tenders within the red box (see picture) will have to be moved to the lower field.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that members who lock their tenders/trailers etc in this area ensure their property is moved in good time. If you are not able to do the removal personally, it is critical to arrange with another member to have your keys and to ensure your tender etc can be moved so the digger has unimpeded access to the site.
As an optional improvement, assuming the main work goes ahead smoothly and within time scales, the area immediately to the south of the electricity compound – marked with a red circle on the picture – will also be graded and smoothed in anticipation of building racking for the numerous kayaks and canoes at the club.
This racking is a separate project and we are hopeful several canoe/kayak owning members will take this forward once the ground is cleared. Therefore, once again in advance of this work, owners of canoes etc currently stored on all sides of the electricity compound are requested to remove their craft to the lower field for the duration of the ground work.
The current tender park was laid out many years ago to reflect the typical size of traditional yacht tenders which, then, were by and large, little more than 1.35m wide and rarely more than 2.5m in length. Often much smaller.
However in recent times, with several members owning quite substantial tenders, particularly inflatables, these can take up far more space. The largest true inflatable tender we have in the club is 1.6m wide, most of the typical smaller inflatable yacht tenders are 1.40m To reflect and accommodate these changes, the row along the boundary fence, once cleared, will have a 1.9m space width. These spaces will also be more suitable for large rigid tenders. Hence priority will be given to members who have larger size tenders, particularly those with inflatables, along this row.
The planned ground works should make your spaces more suitable and for those with very wide tenders, to enable you and your tender park neighbours, to have an easier time accessing your dinghies.
The Tender Park Steward, in advance of this work, is encouraging all members with standard/traditional tenders in the boundary row to accept new spaces in the other rows of the tender park.
Your help
There is a discussion about whether we should put down weed suppressing material over the graded area. This may be something for each member with a tender space along this section to consider for themselves. In the absence of anyone coming forward with expertise regarding cost effective ground cover, the Tender Park Steward would like to ask everyone who has a tender in this row to attend the club on 9 July to help with moving the existing covering (conveyor belt rubber material) before the work starts and put it back in the best position when the work is done.
Kayaks and canoes owners
Please remove all Kayaks, canoes and paddle board from the area immediately north and south of the Electricity compound as our contractor will be working in that area. (Those in the area between the back of the the boat house and the electricity compound can remain).
In advance of this work there is a great opportunity to consider what you would like to construct in terms of racking. The Club Exec are happy to consider any budget request for materials. However, as a self help club, the onus is very much with the owners to present their chosen plan to the Exec and deal with the construction.
Improved security through owners being able to lock/chain their canoes etc to racking is seen as a primary benefit in addition to space saving.
On 9 July the contractor will commence the work (Sunday 9 July). Therefore, members who may be on holiday in early July, should consider moving their tender to the lower field in advance of their holiday. Thanks for your assistance.
Row D
The image below shows the current layout of the row of tenders along the boundary – Row D – some may have taken alternative spaces offered to them by the Tender Park Steward.
Regarding members who want to keep a large tender, or have been given sign off by the exec to have a second tender space, you will be able to make use of the cleared boundary area to store your tender. The width of the current spaces will be widened where necessary to 1.9m by eliminating the spaces that are currently empty on the plan for Row D. This will be aided by removal of tree stumps etc currently affecting the spacing in several areas. The revised width of Row D spaces will be 1.9m wide.
The plan below can be used by members attending as a reference to work out where tenders go when they are moved back from the lower field after the contractors work is finished.
Several members currently leaving their tenders in Row D have been offered and taken up spaces in Rows A, B and C of the tender park. The new 1.9m wide spaces will also absorb some of these.
Spaces of 1.9m have been marked with white paint on the grass in the ‘road’ between Rows C and D – there will be 22 spaces available for larger tenders.