This is your invitation to our very popular News Years Eve Party. You just pay £10 per head which covers the cost of the disco. Please bring your own food for you and others to share. You’ll probably have plenty left over from Christmas!

Dance your way into 2020. The doors open just before 8.00pm then its non-stop until half past midnight.
Liz is coordinating. Please ensure you book in advance by emailing (and yes that is a double h you can see)
When making your reservations, at the same time please send full payment by BACS to the Up River Yacht Club HSBC account:
Sort code 40-46-14
Account number 71026852
Want to add a guest nearer the time? If so please check first with Liz as we try to keep numbers limited to around 60 for reasons of space/seating. We can squeeze more in but you will have to stand…