The new year got off to a flying start. We commenced the construction of the base for our new tractor storage shed on Saturday 4 January.
Since then, the materials for the building have been delivered and the fitting team booked.

Multiple loads of hardcore were kindly donated by Sue and Julio. Other members brought in surplus materials – thanks for all of your donations!

The team, starting at 9.00am on Saturday 4 Jan, were led by Bob Buckingham. They constructed the shuttering for the tractor shed base using the scrap timber left over from the demolition of the old ‘shanty’ tractor storage. We are all very grateful for the hours of hard work Bob and the team put in including salvaging the old wood, construction and then erecting multiple bracing timbers over the weekend.
The picture above shows the progress made by the afternoon of Sunday 5 January.

Several days work put in by John J and John LS in particular, with a small army of helpers, saw the hardcore broken down with sledge hammers. This was them bound with ‘MOT’ and topped with ballast in preparation for the cement.

On 17 January the ready mix truck delivered 5 cubic metres of concrete, all hands got to work making easy work of this by shear weight of numbers. Special thanks to J & M Jones, Eric B, Bob B, Martin J, Graham L, Mark R, Tollon, Keith, Tony C, Gerry, Ian L, Derek, Rob B, Marcus, Peter B, David R, John LS, Steve C, Terry S, Tony and Tina N.
You put in the work and made this task look easy! That will also count as 2 hours toward your next L&R Work Party. Come along again on Monday and that’s another 2 hours and you will have a tick in the box confirming you have done a full L&R Work Party.
Brilliant – thank you very much for your support – Dennis

On 20 Jan 2020 our next phase of the work continues with the concrete delivered for the central bay and ramp to the tractor shed. As we seemed to have received more concrete than we paid for (!) members rapidly constructed the shuttering and foundation for an adjacent path to the side door door.

The cement was spread as fast as the delivery driver could pour it. Finally we had more than a dumper truck bucket full of surplus cement that the team immediately put to go use undertaking extra work around the club.

Deterioration of the slipway was evident during 2019 and the opportunity of using excess cement to undertake repairs was grasped by the team. Holes were filled in around the lose blocks on the side of the slipway nearer the high water mark.

Many of the blocks at the end of the slipway had moved due to being undercut by the current. The decision was made to use the surplus concrete left over from construction the tractor shed base to build a support to stop the blocks moving. This was also profiled to make it more friendly for dinghy/tender trailers/trolleys.

The finished base. The shed is due to be constructed by the contractors on Monday 27 January.
Members working today – great job! :
Steve H, Gerry, Marcus, John and Marion J, Alan P, Chris & Julia, Steve C, Keith (Not Alan) H, Peter B, John LS, Derek, Graham H, Eric, Ian L and Graham L.
Special thanks to Mike G who made a special trip to the club after the foundation had set and cut back the hedge at the rear of the tractor shed site and tidying up around the the area.

Once the personal door is installed we will construct work benches, add storage and then move our tractors/dumper inside. By the end of the next L&R work party we will complete this work including landscaping around the base.