Major work

Major work – a big project is currently going ahead at the club:

  • Laying a base for the new cruiser winch and its protective building/shed
  • Digging a trench to take the new three phase power from the clubhouse to the winch
  • Excavating for the power supply to the new dinghy capstan
  • Cutting out and reinstating a section of the weathered concrete surface on the upper section of the slipway
  • Digging out and improving the concrete ramp in front of the boathouse for better safety boat access
  • Laying a new water supply pipe to the lower field   

If any members reading this would like to come down to the club and help out; e.g. back fill trenches this week or lay concrete on Monday. You would be most welcome.

Willing helpers of all ages have made a great contribution already on the first day of the project.

The cement delivered


Dinghy Capstan

  Dinghy capstan test

Dinghy capstan installation

Major work

Wednesday – trench around the Commodores Lawn excavated. A new water pipe will be installed at the same time. Excavated a foundation for the new winch incorporating a base for a protective shed (see picture above).

Thursday – virtually all of the digging completed today. We have partially buried the cable. Prepared a wider ramp to access the boat house and did the necessary work outside of the river gate for the base of the dinghy windlass. 

Friday – Plan; the new water pipe is due to be installed and the trench around the edge of the Commodores Lawn will be back filled.

Saturday – no major work as we have the Icebreaker race that day

Sunday – final preparations for the concrete 

Monday – concrete more members arrived to help with the spreading and tamping as there will be 4 areas to work on. All done within 1 hour and 10 minutes of the concrete truck arriving!

Wednesday – dinghy capstan installed

Self-Help club

What its all about.

Further updates follow