Dear Boat Owner,
Keeping everyone safe during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Firstly, we would like to thank you for your support in following the new regulations set out in law. We do appreciate that with the lovely weather we have had recently it has been very tempting to get out on the water, but by complying with these regulations you are helping to reduce the spread of the virus and protect our community.
In order to help keep everyone safe, we are offering what we hope will be a helpful reminder about the law in relation to restrictions on movement and how that effects the use of your vessel.
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 sets out the following restrictions on movement. Please note this is law as set out by an Act of Parliament. You can download the full document by googling ‘The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020’. A summary of the legislation is below, for your ease of reference:
During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse which includes-
• Shopping for necessities
• One form of exercise a day, on water activities are not included
• A medical need, including to donate blood, avoid or escape risk of injury or harm
• To provide care or to help a vulnerable person
• Travelling for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home
Basically, if anyone is leaving their place of residence for a reason which is not listed above then they may be breaching the law and could be liable for a fine issued by the police. The vast majority of people we have met have understood the legislation and the reasons for it. Our Officers are patrolling regularly and have identified a number of questions which are coming up frequently, and we would like to share some with you to help explain our approach, and keep everyone safe.
Q. Can I pop down to my boat to check on it/ spend the day on it/ stay for the weekend?
A. No this does not fall under any of the list of reasonable excuses. If your boat is in a marina, please contact the marina to ask them to check on it on your behalf. Driving or walking to spend the day on your boat is not essential travel as listed above. You cannot live between two addresses, if you permanently live on your boat that is fine, but you cannot change between two different addresses.