Important information for any member or prospective member seeking to store a boat (dinghy or cruiser) within the club grounds.
Summary: we are full. Ground conditions are also very poor to the point where even our 4WD dumpers are unable to move boats on to the upper field without the cruiser lifting frame becoming bogged down.
At this time our sailing dinghy storage is also full to overflowing. There is an outline plan to build canoe storage racks to maximise the use of space in our tender park.
Launch and Recovery Syndicate
Please see this link to revised information concerning the Launch and Recovery Syndicate. Regrettably, due to a combination of issues; some Covid related, growth in our cruiser owner membership in 2020 and ground conditions at the club, Up River Yacht Club have no option other than to suspend new Launch and Recovery Syndicate membership applications until further notice.
Therefore, if you are thinking of moving a new cruiser to the club grounds this winter, unless you are an existing member, we will not be able to accommodate your boat.
Sailing dinghy owners
Assuming we are permitted to launch our cruisers in the Spring as planned, there will be more room for sailing dinghies to be stored at the club during the summer. We usually manage to keep sailing dinghies over the winter, particularly for racers to enter the winter and spring series races. However, to expand our dinghy fleet significantly, we may need to only accept new members who can take their dinghies home for the winter.
Please do not assume there will be room to accommodate an additional dinghy at the club in 2020/21, particularly a large one. Always check with Matt Pickett, Rear Commodore Sailing first.