Following a flurry of activity at the club, including well attended dinghy racing, midweek fun sailing and our cruiser launching of course, Up River YC boats have filled the river. There are two more cruiser launch days left in this years calendar; 10th and 11th of May. If your boat is still in the club grounds and your name is not on the list, you will be spending the summer ashore!
Covid restrictions mean our club house is still closed, however as soon as catering etc is allowed indoors, the Exec will review this. In the meantime, don’t forget our FREE for members Hog Roast (with vegetarian options) on Sunday 4 July to celebrate the end of lock down.
Since we have been allowed to re-commence our sailing tuition and fun sail programme, the response from the membership has been overwhelming! This is supported by a mixture of members and a professional sailing instructor particularly to help out with our junior cadet members. More details to follow.
It is great to see such enthusiasm for beginners at all levels to learn to sail. However, this means our training programme is heavily over subscribed. Consequently, we will not have the capacity to invite new members to take part in sailing instruction. Our website now contains notices drawing the attention of potential new members to this unfortunate consequence of Covid.
Discover Sailing / Push the Boat Out has been cancelled this year, should it have taken place we would have created a demand for sailing tuition from new members we simply could not fulfill.
Day Sails

Some members have managed to get several days sailing despite the recent cold weather, lets hope it warms up soon.