Last URYC Cruiser Event for 2019
Hope we’re all looking forward to the last rally of the season to Bradwell. It’s Pat Harris birthday celebrations as well which is how this annual rally started. The RNLI Pennant and Pelling cup races will add a competitive edge to the weekend, if your racing be at the start 10 mins before scheduled start time.
We have the yacht club restaurant booked for Saturday night,
We have 8 boats going:
- Esmerelda, Ian Gore
- Choc Orange, Gerry Ledger
- Iona, Tim Harris
- Wizard, Penny Yarwood
- Island Dreamer, Dennis Haggerty
- Barbary Coast, Chris Staggs
- Cracker Two, Craig Osler
- Athena, Graham Lazel
I guess some will be staying on the hammerhead at Fambridge Friday night others at Burnham, keep a watch on WhatsApp for who’s doing what.
Race instructions below.
The weather’s looking ok for next weekend so everything crossed.
Tide times (sorry these don’t display well on a mobile)
Sat 19 Oct
Hullbridge 0427 5.0m 1042 0.8m
Holliwell Pt 0357 5.0m 1011 1.0m 1614 5.2m
Spitway 0344 4.5m 0954 1.0m 1601 4.7m
Bradwell 0352 4.9m 0947 0.9m 1608 5.1m
Sun 20 Oct
Bradwell 0428 4.8m 1023 1.0m 1650 4.9m
Spitway 0421 4.4m 1034 1.0m 1645 4.6m
Holliwell 0434 4.9m 1050 1.1m 1657 5.0m
Hullbridge 0503 4.79m 1120 0.8m 1722 5.0m
RNLI Pennant & Pelling Cup
Race instructions
A 10 minute warning followed by a 5 minute countdown will be started over VHF Ch 72 10 minutes before scheduled start, record your own elapsed time in hours, mins, sec.
RNLI Pennant
Inner Crouch buoy – Bradwell Power stn Jetty.
1000 Start –Start line 360o from Inner crouch buoy, RW safe water mark, leave to Stb.
>>>> Swin spitway buoy, RW safe water mark, Leave to Prt, 9.5M.
>>>> Wallet spitway buoy, RW safe water mark, Leave to prt, 1.1M.
>>>> NW Knoll R Can, Leave to prt, 3.5M.
>>>> Finish line 325o from Eastern end of Bradwell power station jetty, 5.8M.
ETA Bradwell 1330.
Pelling Cup Sun 20
Option 1
Bradwell power stn Jetty – Inner crouch buoy via Raysand channel.
1230 Start – Start line 325o from Eastern end of Bradwell power station Jetty.
>>>> Wpt @ Eastern end of St Peters flats, pos 51o 44.15N 0o 59.7E, 4.0M.
>>>> Raysand Y Spherical buoy, Leave to Stb, 3.2M. ETA 1427 = HW – 2:30 @ Holliwell Pt.
>>>> Finish line 360o from Inner crouch buoy, RW safe water mark.
Option 2
Bradwell power stn Jetty – Inner crouch buoy via Spitway.
0800 Start – Start line 325o from Eastern end of Bradwell power station Jetty.
>>>> NW Knoll R Can, Leave to Stb, 5.8M.
>>>> Wallet Spitway buoy, RW safe water mark, Leave to Stb, 3.5M.
>>>> Swin Spitway buoy, RW safe water mark, Leave to Stb, 1.1M.
>>>> Finish line 360o from Inner crouch buoy, RW safe water mark, 9.5M.
Choice of route for Pelling Cup / return to be decided Saturday
Leave marina 30mins before start time.
Leaving 0730 gives 3m depth in Bradwell creek on the ebb, Leaving 1200 gives 2m depth in Bradwell creek on the flood. Tide gauge at marina entrance indicates depth in creek.
If choosing Raysand route an ETA of 1427 @ Raysand Y buoy give almost 3 hours to make the 15M back to Hullbridge by HW 1722, will have favourable tidal stream.
Use VHF Ch 72 for group comms.
On arrival call harbourmaster on Vhf Ch 80 giving name of boat and Up River YC, berth allocated on arrival. Bradwell Marina 01621776235.
The meal in Bradwell YC is booked for 1930.