If you are 18 or over and have sailed in a club event since 1 April ‘19 this message is for you…
As a participant you must do a safety boat or race officer duty between 1 April 20 and 31 March 2021.
Whats the deal?
In order to be a fair as possible, the number of duties you are expected to cover depends upon how much sailing you have done.
For example if you have been in at least three races you would do a minimum of three duties. If you only sailing one or two races the requirement is to complete at least one duty
There is no upper limit on duties you could volunteer to do, it helps a lot if some members do more as 3 duties over a whole year is barely enough ‘member power’.
We are frequently reliant upon cruiser sailors to help out if there is more than one safety boat launched.
A message from Matt
Get in quick!
The Duty Rota is on the sailing committee notice board – check it out ASAP – please put your name down for the duties you would prefer.
Other than fitting these duties around your own plans it really helps with the smooth running of the club sailing.
If you are unable to get down the club and would like to reserve a duty before that date goes. Please e-mail m.pickett@virgin.net and Matt will confirm if the dates are still free or you need to come up with an alternative.