Up River Events Calendar on your phone

You can now get the URYC Events Calendar on your phone

Our thanks to Rob Bodman for automating the delivery of the URYC events calendar.

You can now receive details of URYC events straight to your electronic calendar on your smart phone.

It works fine on iPhones with Apple’s calendar, and with proprietary calendars that support .ics calendars (most smartphones will do these days….).

Apple devices

This works with Apple’s iPhone calendar as follows: Click on the link (below) whilst on your phone, and it will ask you if you want to subscribe to:


Then click Subscribe to the Calendar then ‘yes’ and you’re done. It costs nothing, you can unsubscribe at any time.#

Android and Outlook

For an Android device (ie most phones that are not Apple) is very similar.

Click on the link below and follow the instructions:


Outlook is slightly different – you need to find the ‘Open Calendar’ setting, then the  ‘Add calendar from the Internet’ option, and paste the same link in to subscribe to: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/ertrkgov5i1edk0ij9dtn5i8vc%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

20th century technology is still available

For members who don’t have a smart phone or use the calendar function,  you can always look up the same information in your club handbook.